HMEI Infant/Toddler Education Course Calendar
2017-2018 Academic Year
Period I – Foundational Development Period (self-paced)
The requirements of this segment of the program will be provided to students upon acceptance to the Course. Students may proceed through the material at their own pace, but all requirements must be fulfilled prior to the start of Period II. Completion time estimated between15 - 20 hours.
Period II – Summer Academic Period (5 weeks)
Monday, June 12, 2017 - Friday July 21, 2017: Infant/Toddler Coursework begins
Wednesday, July 5, 2017 - Friday, July 7, 2017: Early Childhood Overview required for those students who do not have Early Childhood (3-6) certification.
Monday, July 3, 2017 - Tuesday, July 4, 2017: School closed for holiday
Classes Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Period III – Student Teaching Practicum Period (9 months)
September 2017 to June 2018
Minimum 3 hours/day, 5 mornings/week for the duration of the 9-month academic year.
Practicum Year – Advanced Seminar – Fall Semester (2.25 days)
Friday, November 10, 2017 -- Sunday, November 12, 2017
Friday and Saturday classes 8:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday class 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Practicum Year – Advanced Seminar – Spring Semester (2.25 days)
Friday, April 13, 2018 – Sunday, April 15, 2018
Friday and Saturday classes 8:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday class 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
NOTE: Fluency in English is necessary for the successful completion of the HMEI Education Course. All classes will be conducted in English; all coursework and homework assignments must be submitted in English.
Transfer of Credit
HMEI is unable to confer credit for Montessori training, education or experience that was acquired at other institutions. All credit hours for this Education Course must be earned at HMEI.